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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
Scheduled Maintenance
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Mars Global Surveyor: TES Data Products

Recent Releases

  • 2/1/07. New TES data are released on volumes MGST_1419 through MGST_1425.

  • 12/12/06. Several data products and documents have been revised on volumes MGST_1100 through MGST_1411.  Please see the latest errata.txt file for details.

  • 10/31/06. New TES data are released on volumes MGST_1414 through MGST_1418.

  • 8/1/06. New TES data are released on volumes MGST_1411 through MGST_1413.

  • 4/28/06. New TES data are released on volumes MGST_1408 through MGST_1410.

  • 2/13/06. New TES data are released on volumes MGST_1404 through MGST_1407.

  • 11/8/05. New TES data are released on volumes MGST_1400 through MGST_1403, and old TES Version 1 data have been revised to Version 2 on volumes MGST_1100 through MGST_1119. This completes the revision of all early TES data from Version 1 to Version 2.

  • 8/16/05. New TES data are released on volumes MGST_1396 through MGST_1399, and old TES Version 1 data have been revised to Version 2 on volumes MGST_1120 through MGST_1129.

  • 7/21/05. The online copies of a few TES files were found to be corrupted and have been replaced. The files are rad38703.var on volume MGST_1387 and rad13401.var through rad13404.var on volume MGST_1134.

TES Archive Volumes Online

In the table below, click on the volume ID to get to the volume's top-level directory, from which you may access all the files. For an introduction to the volume, read the AAREADME file in the top-level directory. If you intend to download data products, or if you prefer to download an entire volume at once, please read about anonymous FTP access.

Each volume has an index table that lists all the products on the volume. Links to the index tables are included below. Each volume also contains a cumulative index table listing the data products on all TES volumes released so far. Here is the latest cumulative index table and the PDS label that describes the table format:

Cumulative index table and PDS label covering TES volumes MGST_1100 through MGST_1418

A few volumes have been revised with new atmosphere and radiance tables; these are marked (R).

Read the latest errata.txt file for notes, corrections, and changes.

Finally, for access to TES data organized as one "virtual" volume rather than on separate volumes, go to the TES Data Node.

NOTE: TES data products are created using the IAU 1994 coordinate system.


Date Posted Index Orbits

Data Coverage

All Volumes are TES Version 2 (what does that mean?)
mgst_1425 2/1/07 Index table and label 35482 - 35674 9/30/06 - 10/16/06
mgst_1424 2/1/07 Index table and label 35139 - 35481 9/2/06 - 9/30/06
mgst_1423 2/1/07 Index table and label 34857- 35138 8/10/06 - 9/2/06
mgst_1422 2/1/07 Index table and label 34574 - 34856 7/18/06 - 8/10/06
mgst_1421 2/1/07 Index table and label 34291- 34573 6/25/06 - 7/18/06
mgst_1420 2/1/07 Index table and label 34005 - 34290 6/2/06 - 6/25/06
mgst_1419 2/1/07 Index table and label 33720 - 34004 5/9/06 - 6/2/06
mgst_1418 10/31/06 Index table and label 33386 - 33719 4/12/06 - 5/9/06
mgst_1417 10/31/06 Index table and label 33097 - 33385 3/19/06 - 4/12/06
mgst_1416 10/31/06 Index table and label 32805 - 33096 2/24/06 - 3/19/06
mgst_1415 10/31/06 Index table and label 32517 - 32804 1/31/06 - 2/24/06
mgst_1414 10/31/06 Index table and label 32230 - 32516 1/8/06 - 1/31/06
mgst_1413 8/1/06 Index table and label 31948 - 32229 12/16/05 - 1/8/06
mgst_1412 8/1/06 Index table and label 31657 - 31947 11/22/05 - 12/16/05
mgst_1411 8/1/06 Index table and label 31236 - 31656 10/18/05 - 11/22/05
mgst_1410 4/28/06 Index table and label 30920 - 31235 9/22/05 - 10/18/05
mgst_1409 4/28/06 Index table and label 30206 - 30586 7/26/05 - 8/26/05
mgst_1408 4/28/06 Index table and label 29930 - 30205 7/4/05 - 7/26/05
mgst_1407 2/13/06 Index table and label 29653 - 29929 6/11/05 - 7/4/05
mgst_1406 2/13/06 Index table and label 29375 - 29652 5/19/05 - 6/11/05
mgst_1405 2/13/06 Index table and label 29098 - 29374 4/27/05 - 5/19/05
mgst_1404 2/13/06 Index table and label 28827 - 29097 4/4/05 - 4/27/05
mgst_1403 11/8/05 Index table and label 28562 - 28826 3/14/05 - 4/4/05
mgst_1402 11/8/05 Index table and label 28292 - 28561 2/20/05 - 3/14/05
mgst_1401 11/8/05 Index table and label 28028 - 28291 1/29/05 - 2/20/05
mgst_1400 11/8/05 Index table and label 27769 - 28027 1/8/05 - 1/29/05
mgst_1399 8/16/05 Index table and label 27456 - 27768 12/13/04 - 1/8/05
mgst_1398 8/16/05 Index table and label 27199 - 27455 11/22/04 - 12/13/04
mgst_1397 8/16/05 Index table and label 26943 - 27198 11/1/04 - 11/22/04
mgst_1396 8/16/05 Index table and label 26660 - 26942 10/9/04 - 11/1/04
mgst_1395 5/10/05 Index table and label 26167 - 26659 8/30/04 - 10/9/04
mgst_1394 5/10/05 Index table and label 26070 - 26166 8/22/04 - 8/30/04
mgst_1393 5/10/05 Index table and label 25978 - 26069 8/14/04 - 8/22/04
mgst_1392 5/10/05 Index table and label 25885 - 25977 8/7/04 - 8/14/04
mgst_1391 5/10/05 Index table and label 25794 - 25884 7/30/04 - 8/7/04
mgst_1390 5/10/05 Index table and label 25703 - 25793 7/23/04 - 7/30/04
mgst_1389 5/10/05 Index table and label 25610 - 25702 7/15/04 - 7/23/04
mgst_1388 5/10/05 Index table and label 25516 - 25609 7/8/04 - 7/15/04
mgst_1387 2/17/05 Index table and label 25423 - 25515 6/30/04 - 7/8/04
mgst_1386 2/17/05 Index table and label 25330 - 25422 6/22/04 - 6/30/04
mgst_1385 2/17/05 Index table and label 25235 - 25329 6/15/04 - 6/22/04
mgst_1384 2/17/05 Index table and label 25142  - 25234 6/7/04 - 6/15/04
mgst_1383 2/17/05 Index table and label 25048 - 25141 5/30/04 - 6/7/04
mgst_1382 2/17/05 Index table and label 24956 - 25047 5/23/04 - 5/30/04
mgst_1381 2/17/05 Index table and label 24865 - 24955 5/15/04 - 5/23/04
mgst_1380 2/17/05 Index table and label 24773 - 24864 5/8/04 - 5/15/04
mgst_1379 2/17/05 Index table and label 24680 - 24772 4/30/04 - 5/8/04
mgst_1378 2/17/05 Index table and label 24587 - 24679 4/23/04 - 4/30/04
mgst_1377 2/17/05 Index table and label 24491 - 24586 4/16/04 - 4/23/04
mgst_1376 2/17/05 Index table and label 24392 - 24490 4/7/04 - 416/04
mgst_1375 11/17/04 Index table and label 24285 - 24391 3/29/04 - 4/7/04
mgst_1374 11/17/04 Index table and label 24174 - 24284 3/20/04 - 3/29/04
mgst_1373 11/17/04 Index table and label 24060 - 24173 3/11/04 - 3/20/04
mgst_1372 11/17/04 Index table and label 23957 - 24059 3/3/04 - 3/11/04
mgst_1371 11/17/04 Index table and label 23858 - 23956 2/23/04 - 3/3/04
mgst_1370 11/17/04 Index table and label 23792 - 23857 2/18/04 - 2/23/04
mgst_1369 11/17/04 Index table and label 23726 - 23791 2/13/04 - 2/18/04
mgst_1368 11/17/04 Index table and label 23671 - 23725 2/7/04 - 2/13/04
mgst_1367 11/17/04 Index table and label 23594 - 23670 2/2/04 - 2/7/04
mgst_1366 11/17/04 Index table and label 23528 - 23593 1/28/04 - 2/2/04
mgst_1365 11/17/04 Index table and label 23462 - 23527 1/23/04 - 1/28/04
mgst_1364 11/17/04 Index table and label 23396 - 23461 1/16/04 - 1/23/04
mgst_1363 11/17/04 Index table and label 23336 - 23395 1/11/04 - 1/16/04
mgst_1362 11/17/04 Index table and label 23275 - 23335 1/6/04 - 1/11/04
mgst_1361 11/17/04 Index table and label 23214 - 23274 1/1/04 - 1/6/04
mgst_1360 9/21/04 Index table and label 23152 - 23213 12/27/03 - 1/1/04
mgst_1359 9/21/04 Index table and label 23088 - 23151 12/22/03 - 12/27/03
mgst_1358 9/21/04 Index table and label 23005 - 23087 12/15/03 - 12/22/03
mgst_1357 9/21/04 Index table and label 22936 - 23004 12/10/03 - 12/15/03
mgst_1356 9/21/04 Index table and label 22869 - 22935 12/4/03 - 12/10/03
mgst_1355 9/21/04 Index table and label 22803 - 22868 11/29/03 - 12/4/03
mgst_1354 9/21/04 Index table and label 22737 - 22802 11/23/03 - 11/29/03
mgst_1353 9/21/04 Index table and label 22668 - 22736 11/18/03 - 11/23/03
mgst_1352 9/21/04 Index table and label 22601 - 22667 11/12/03 - 11/18/03
mgst_1351 9/21/04 Index table and label 22533 - 22600 11/7/03 - 11/12/03
mgst_1350 9/21/04 Index table and label 22467 - 22532 11/01/03 - 11/7/03
mgst_1349 9/21/04 Index table and label 22397 - 22466 10/27/03 - 11/01/03
mgst_1348 9/21/04 Index table and label 22327 - 22396 10/21/03 - 10/27/03
mgst_1347 9/21/04 Index table and label 22250 - 22326 10/15/03 - 10/21/03
mgst_1346 9/21/04 Index table and label 22182 - 22249 10/9/03 - 10/15/03
mgst_1345 9/21/04 Index table and label 22116 - 22181 10/4/03 - 10/9/03
mgst_1344 5/4/04 Index table and label 22050 - 22115 9/28/03 - 10/4/03
mgst_1343 5/4/04 Index table and label 21979 - 22049 9/22/03 - 9/28/03
mgst_1342 5/4/04 Index table and label 21910 - 21978 9/17/03 - 9/22/03
mgst_1341 5/4/04 Index table and label 21844 - 21909 9/11/03 - 9/17/03
mgst_1340 5/4/04 Index table and label 21772 - 21843 9/5/03 - 9/11/03
mgst_1339 5/4/04 Index table and label 21705 - 21771 8/31/03 - 9/5/03
mgst_1338 5/4/04 Index table and label 21634 - 21704 8/25/03 - 8/31/03
mgst_1337 5/4/04 Index table and label 21561 - 21633 8/19/03 - 8/25/03
mgst_1336 5/4/04 Index table and label 21490 - 21560 8/14/03 - 8/19/03
mgst_1335 5/4/04 Index table and label 21404 - 21489 8/6/03 - 8/13/03
mgst_1334 5/4/04 Index table and label 21328 - 21403 7/31/03 - 8/6/03
mgst_1333 5/4/04 Index table and label 21250 - 21327 7/25/03 - 7/31/03
mgst_1332 5/4/04 Index table and label 21170 - 21249 7/18/03 - 7/25/03
mgst_1331 5/4/04 Index table and label 21089 - 21169 7/12/03 - 7/18/03
mgst_1330 5/4/04 Index table and label 21004 - 21088 7/5/03 - 7/12/03
mgst_1329 1/20/04 Index table and label 20915 - 21003 6/26/03 - 7/5/03
mgst_1328 1/20/04 Index table and label 20822 - 20914 6/20/03 - 6/27/03
mgst_1327 1/20/04 Index table and label 20637 - 20821 6/5/03 - 6/20/03
mgst_1326 1/20/04 Index table and label 20550 - 20636 5/29/03 - 6/5/03
mgst_1325 1/20/04 Index table and label 20478 - 20549 5/23/03 - 5/29/03
mgst_1324 1/20/04 Index table and label 20403 - 20477 5/17/03 - 5/23/03
mgst_1323 1/20/04 Index table and label 20331 - 20402 5/11/03 - 5/17/03
mgst_1322 1/20/04 Index table and label 20253 - 20330 5/4/03 - 5/11/03
mgst_1321 1/20/04 Index table and label 20178 - 20252 4/28/03 - 5/4/03
mgst_1320 1/20/04 Index table and label 20105 - 20177 4/22/03 - 4/28/03
mgst_1319 1/20/04 Index table and label 20029 - 20104 4/16/03 - 4/22/03
mgst_1318 1/20/04 Index table and label 19955 - 20028 4/10/03 - 4/16/03
mgst_1317 1/20/04 Index table and label 19872 - 19954 4/3/03 - 4/10/03
mgst_1316 10/30/03 Index table and label 19788 - 19871 3/27/03 - 4/3/03
mgst_1315 10/30/03 Index table and label 19699 - 19787 3/20/03 - 3/27/03
mgst_1314 10/30/03 Index table and label 19602 - 19698 3/12/03 - 3/20/03
mgst_1313 10/30/03 Index table and label 19514 - 19601 3/5/03 - 3/12/03
mgst_1312 10/30/03 Index table and label 19409 - 19513 2/24/03 - 3/5/03
mgst_1311 10/30/03 Index table and label 19302 - 19408 2/16/03 - 2/24/03
mgst_1310 10/30/03 Index table and label 19198 - 19301 2/7/03 - 2/16/03
mgst_1309 10/30/03 Index table and label 19129 - 19197 2/2/03 - 2/7/03
mgst_1308 10/30/03 Index table and label 18937 - 19025 1/17/03 - 1/23/03
mgst_1307 10/30/03 Index table and label 18831 - 18936 1/8/03 - 1/17/03
mgst_1306 10/30/03 Index table and label 18735 - 18830 12/13/02 - 1/8/03
mgst_1305 7/21/03 Index table and label 18637 - 18734 12/25/02 - 12/31/02
mgst_1304 7/21/03 Index table and label 18536 - 18636 12/15/02 - 12/25/02
mgst_1303 7/21/03 Index table and label 18430 - 18535 12/6/02 - 12/15/02
mgst_1302 7/21/03 Index table and label 18325 - 18429 11/28/02 - 12/6/02
mgst_1301 7/21/03 Index table and label 18224 - 18324 11/19/02 - 11/28/02
mgst_1300 7/21/03 Index table and label 18120 - 18223 11/11/02 - 11/19/02
mgst_1299 7/21/03 Index table and label 18017 - 18119 11/3/02 - 11/11/02
mgst_1298 7/21/03 Index table and label 17913 - 18016 10/25/02 -  11/3/02
mgst_1297 7/21/03 Index table and label 17809 - 17912 10/18/02 - 10/25/02
mgst_1296 7/21/03 Index table and label 17707 - 17808 10/8/02 - 10/18/02
mgst_1295 7/21/03 Index table and label 17600 - 17706 9/29/02 - 10/8/02
mgst_1294 5/22/03 Index table and label 17498 - 17599 9/21/02 - 9/29/02
mgst_1293 5/22/03 Index table and label 17396 - 17497 9/14/02 - 9/21/02
mgst_1292 5/22/03 Index table and label 17294 - 17395 9/4/02 - 9/14/02
mgst_1291 5/22/03 Index table and label 17190 - 17293 8/27/02 - 9/4/02
mgst_1290 5/22/03 Index table and label 16841 - 17189 7/29/02 - 8/27/02
mgst_1289 5/22/03 Index table and label 16737 - 16840 7/21/02 - 7/29/02
mgst_1288 5/22/03 Index table and label 16628 - 16736 7/12/02 - 7/21/02
mgst_1287 5/22/03 Index table and label 16524 - 16627 7/4/02 - 7/12/02
mgst_1286 2/13/03 Index table and label 16413 - 16523 6/24/02 - 7/4/02
mgst_1285 2/13/03 Index table and label 16306 - 16412 6/16/02 - 6/24/02
mgst_1284 2/13/03 Index table and label 16200 - 16305 6/7/02 - 6/16/02
mgst_1283 2/13/03 Index table and label 16090 - 16199 5/29/02 - 6/7/02
mgst_1282 2/13/03 Index table and label 15981 - 16089 5/20/02 - 5/29/02
mgst_1281 2/13/03 Index table and label 15886 - 15980 5/12/02 - 5/20/02
mgst_1280 2/13/03 Index table and label 15799 - 15885 5/5/02 - 5/12/02
mgst_1279 2/13/03 Index table and label 15712 - 15798 4/28/02 - 5/5/02
mgst_1278 2/13/03 Index table and label 15631 - 15711 4/22/02 - 4/28/02
mgst_1277 2/13/03 Index table and label 15547 - 15630 4/15/02 - 4/22/02
mgst_1276 1/2/03 Index table and label 15347 - 15546 3/29/02 - 4/15/02
mgst_1275 1/2/03 Index table and label 15258 - 15346 3/22/02 - 3/29/02
mgst_1274 1/2/03 Index table and label 15174 - 15257 3/15/02 - 3/22/02
mgst_1273 1/2/03 Index table and label 14930 - 15173 2/23/02 - 3/15/02
mgst_1272 1/2/03 Index table and label 14851 - 14929 2/17/02 - 2/23/02
mgst_1271 1/2/03 Index table and label 14615 - 14850 1/28/02 - 2/17/02
mgst_1270 1/2/03 Index table and label 14536 - 14614 1/22/02 - 1/28/02
mgst_1269 1/2/03 Index table and label 14458 - 14535 1/16/02 - 1/22/02
mgst_1268 1/2/03 Index table and label 14380 - 14457 1/09/02 - 1/16/02
mgst_1267 1/2/03 Index table and label 14302 - 14379 1/03/02 - 1/09/02
mgst_1266 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 14223 - 14301 12/27/01 - 1/03/02
mgst_1265 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 14145 - 14222 12/21/01 - 12/27/01
mgst_1264 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 14066 - 14144 12/15/01 - 12/21/01
mgst_1263 9/3/02 Index table and label 13984 - 14065 12/8/01 - 12/15/01
mgst_1262 9/3/02 Index table and label 13906 - 13983 12/1/01 - 12/8/01
mgst_1261 9/3/02 Index table and label 13828 - 13905 11/25/01 - 12/1/01
mgst_1260 9/3/02 Index table and label 13749 - 13827 11/19/01 - 11/25/01
mgst_1259 9/3/02 Index table and label 13670 - 13748 11/12/01 - 11/19/01
mgst_1258 9/3/02 Index table and label 13591 - 13669 11/6/01 - 11/12/01
mgst_1257 9/3/02 Index table and label 13512 - 13590 10/30/01 - 11/6/01
mgst_1256 9/3/02 Index table and label 13434 - 13511 10/24/01 - 10/30/01
mgst_1255 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 13315 - 13433 10/14/01 - 10/24/01
mgst_1254 9/3/02 Index table and label 13287 - 13314 10/12/01 - 10/14/01
mgst_1253 9/3/02 Index table and label 13156 - 13286 10/1/01 - 10/12/01
mgst_1252 5/14/02 Index table and label 13078 - 13155 9/25/01 - 10/1/01
mgst_1251 5/14/02 Index table and label 12999 - 13077 9/18/01 - 9/25/01
mgst_1250 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12810 - 12998 9/3/01 - 9/18/01
mgst_1249 5/14/02 Index table and label 12732 - 12809 8/27/01 - 9/3/01
mgst_1248 5/14/02 Index table and label 12650 - 12731 8/21/01 - 8/27/01
mgst_1247 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12568 - 12649 8/14/01 - 8/21/01
mgst_1246 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12490 - 12567 8/8/01 - 8/14/01
mgst_1245 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12409 - 12489 8/1/01 - 8/8/01
mgst_1244 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12331 - 12408 7/26/01 - 8/1/01
mgst_1243 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12253 - 12330 7/20/01 - 7/26/01
mgst_1242 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12173 - 12252 7/13/01 - 7/20/01
mgst_1241 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12094 - 12172 7/6/01 - 7/13/01
mgst_1240 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 12006 - 12093 6/29/01 - 7/6/01
mgst_1239 3/25/02 Index table and label 11928 - 12005 6/23/01 - 6/29/01
mgst_1238 3/25/02 Index table and label 11848 - 11927 6/16/01 - 6/23/01
mgst_1237 3/25/02 Index table and label 11770 - 11847 6/10/01 - 6/16/01
mgst_1236 3/25/02 Index table and label 11692 - 11769 6/3/01 - 6/10/01
mgst_1235 3/25/02 Index table and label 11614 - 11691 5/28/01 - 6/3/01
mgst_1234 3/25/02 Index table and label 11535 - 11613 5/22/01 - 5/28/01
mgst_1233 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 11252 - 11534 4/28/01 - 5/22/01
mgst_1232 3/25/02 Index table and label 11170 - 11251 4/22/01 - 4/28/01
mgst_1231 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 11076 - 11169 4/14/01 - 4/22/01
mgst_1230 3/25/02 Index table and label 10995 - 11075 4/7/01 - 4/14/01
mgst_1229 (R) 2/18/04 Index table and label 10915 - 10994 4/1/01 - 4/7/01
mgst_1228 2/18/04 Index table and label 10843 - 10914 3/26/01 - 4/1/01
mgst_1227 2/18/04 Index table and label 10761 - 10842 3/19/01 - 3/26/01
mgst_1226 2/18/04 Index table and label 10683 - 10760 3/13/01 - 3/19/01
mgst_1225 2/18/04 Index table and label 10601 - 10682 3/6/01 - 3/13/01
mgst_1224 2/18/04 Index table and label 10514 - 10600 2/27/01 - 3/6/01
mgst_1223 2/18/04 Index table and label 10434 - 10513 2/21/01 - 2/27/01
mgst_1222 2/18/04 Index table and label 10356 - 10433 2/14/01 - 2/21/01
mgst_1221 2/18/04 Index table and label 10275 - 10355 2/8/01 - 2/14/01
mgst_1220 2/18/04 Index table and label 10189 - 10274 2/1/01 - 2/8/01
mgst_1219 3/22/04 Index table and label 10119 - 10188 1/26/01 - 2/1/01
mgst_1218 3/22/04 Index table and label 10037 - 10118 1/19/01 - 1/26/01
mgst_1217 3/22/04 Index table and label 9958 - 10036 1/13/01 - 1/19/01
mgst_1216 3/22/04 Index table and label 9859 - 9957 1/6/01 - 1/13/01
mgst_1215 3/22/04 Index table and label 9806 - 9858 12/31/00 - 1/6/01
mgst_1214 3/22/04 Index table and label 9750 - 9805 12/27/00 - 12/31/00
mgst_1213 3/22/04 Index table and label 9682 - 9749 12/22/00 - 12/27/00
mgst_1212 3/22/04 Index table and label 9600 - 9681 12/14/00 - 12/22/00
mgst_1211 3/22/04 Index table and label 9516 - 9599 12/8/00 - 12/14/00
mgst_1210 3/22/04 Index table and label 9443 - 9515 12/2/00 - 12/8/00
mgst_1209 5/4/04 Index table and label 9373 - 9442 11/26/01 - 12/2/00
mgst_1208 5/4/04 Index table and label 9287 - 9372 11/19/00 - 11/26/01
mgst_1207 5/4/04 Index table and label 9191 - 9286 11/11/00 - 11/19/00
mgst_1206 5/4/04 Index table and label 9106 - 9190 11/4/00 - 11/11/00
mgst_1205 5/4/04 Index table and label 9018 - 9105 10/29/00 - 11/4/00
mgst_1204 5/4/04 Index table and label 8930 - 9017 10/21/00 - 10/29/00
mgst_1203 5/4/04 Index table and label 8838 - 8929 10/13/00 - 10/21/00
mgst_1202 5/4/04 Index table and label 8741 - 8837 10/5/00 - 10/13/00
mgst_1201 5/4/04 Index table and label 8657 - 8740 9/28/00 - 10/5/00
mgst_1200 5/4/04 Index table and label 8564 - 8656 9/21/00 - 9/28/00
mgst_1199 5/19/04 Index table and label 8478 - 8563 9/14/00 - 9/21/00
mgst_1198 5/19/04 Index table and label 8391 - 8477 9/7/00 - 9/14/00
mgst_1197 5/19/04 Index table and label 8302 - 8390 8/30/00 - 9/7/00
mgst_1196 5/19/04 Index table and label 8195 - 8301 8/23/00 - 8/30/00
mgst_1195 5/19/04 Index table and label 8102 - 8194 8/14/00 - 8/23/00
mgst_1194 5/19/04 Index table and label 8019 - 8101 8/7/00 - 8/14/00
mgst_1193 5/19/04 Index table and label 7933 - 8018 7/31/00 - 8/7/00
mgst_1192 5/19/04 Index table and label 7851 - 7932 7/24/00 - 7/31/00
mgst_1191 5/19/04 Index table and label 7765 - 7850 7/17/00 - 7/24/00
mgst_1190 5/19/04 Index table and label 7418 - 7764 6/19/00 - 7/17/00
mgst_1189 9/21/04 Index table and label 7327 - 7417 6/12/00 - 6/19/00
mgst_1188 9/21/04 Index table and label 7230 - 7326 6/4/00 - 6/12/00
mgst_1187 9/21/04 Index table and label 7149 - 7229 5/28/00 - 6/4/00
mgst_1186 9/21/04 Index table and label 7063 - 7148 5/21/00 - 5/28/00
mgst_1185 9/21/04 Index table and label 6965 -7062 5/13/00 - 5/21/00
mgst_1184 9/21/04 Index table and label 6871 - 6964 5/5/00 - 5/13/00
mgst_1183 9/21/04 Index table and label 6781 - 6870 4/28/00 - 5/5/00
mgst_1182 9/21/04 Index table and label 6694 - 6780 4/21/00 - 4/28/00
mgst_1181 9/21/04 Index table and label 6606 - 6693 4/14/00 - 4/21/00
mgst_1180 9/21/04 Index table and label 6512 - 6605 4/6/00 - 4/14/00
mgst_1179 11/17/04 Index table and label 6427 - 6511 3/30/00 - 4/6/00
mgst_1178 11/17/04 Index table and label 6344 - 6426 3/23/00 - 3/30/00
mgst_1177 11/17/04 Index table and label 6254 - 6343 3/16/00 - 3/23/00
mgst_1176 11/17/04 Index table and label 6148 - 6253 3/7/00 - 3/16/00
mgst_1175 11/17/04 Index table and label 6044 - 6147 2/28/00 - 3/7/00
mgst_1174 11/17/04 Index table and label 5959 - 6043 2/21/00 - 2/28/00
mgst_1173 11/17/04 Index table and label 5878 - 5958 2/14/00 - 2/21/00
mgst_1172 11/17/04 Index table and label 5800 - 5877 2/8/00 - 2/14/00
mgst_1171 11/17/04 Index table and label 5739 - 5799 2/3/00 - 2/8/00
mgst_1170 11/17/04 Index table and label 5688 - 5738 1/30/00 - 2/3/00
mgst_1169 2/17/05 Index table and label 5637 - 5687 1/26/00 - 1/30/00
mgst_1168 2/17/05 Index table and label 5585 - 5636 1/21/00 - 1/26/00
mgst_1167 2/17/05 Index table and label 5536 - 5584 1/17/00 - 1/21/00
mgst_1166 2/17/05 Index table and label 5484 - 5535 1/13/00 - 1/17/00
mgst_1165 2/17/05 Index table and label 5435 - 5483 1/9/00 - 1/13/00
mgst_1164 2/17/05 Index table and label 5385 - 5434 1/5/00 - 1/9/00
mgst_1163 2/17/05 Index table and label 5333 - 5384 1/1/00 - 1/5/00
mgst_1162 2/17/05 Index table and label 5281 - 5332 12/27/99 - 1/1/00
mgst_1161 2/17/05 Index table and label 5229 - 5280 12/23/99 - 12/27/99
mgst_1160 2/17/05 Index table and label 5178 - 5228 12/19/99 - 12/23/99
mgst_1159 2/17/05 Index table and label 5128 - 5177 12/15/99 - 12/19/99
mgst_1158 2/17/05 Index table and label 5080 - 5127 12/11/99 - 12/15/99
mgst_1157 2/17/05 Index table and label 5030 - 5079 12/7/99 - 12/11/99
mgst_1156 2/17/05 Index table and label 4980 - 5029 12/3/99 - 12/7/99
mgst_1155 2/17/05 Index table and label 4928 - 4979 11/29/99 - 12/3/99
mgst_1154 2/17/05 Index table and label 4878 - 4927 11/25/99 -11/29/99
mgst_1153 2/17/05 Index table and label 4828 - 4877 11/20/99 - 11/25/99
mgst_1152 2/17/05 Index table and label 4774 - 4827 11/16/99 - 11/20/99
mgst_1151 2/17/05 Index table and label 4721 - 4773 11/12/99 - 11/16/99
mgst_1150 2/17/05 Index table and label 4670 - 4720 11/8/99 - 11/12/99
mgst_1149 5/10/05 Index table and label 4614 - 4669 11/3/99 - 11/8/99
mgst_1148 5/10/05 Index table and label 4563 - 4613 10/30/99 - 11/3/99
mgst_1147 5/10/05 Index table and label 4510 - 4562 10/25/99 - 10/30/99
mgst_1146 5/10/05 Index table and label 4458 - 4509 10/21/99 - 10/25/99
mgst_1145 5/10/05 Index table and label 4407 - 4457 10/17/99 - 10/21/99
mgst_1144 5/10/05 Index table and label 4357 - 4406 10/13/99 - 10/17/99
mgst_1143 5/10/05 Index table and label 4305 - 4356 10/9/99 - 10/13/99
mgst_1142 5/10/05 Index table and label 4252 - 4304 10/4/99 - 10/9/99
mgst_1141 5/10/05 Index table and label 4202 - 4251 9/30/99 - 10/4/99
mgst_1140 5/10/05 Index table and label 4151 - 4201 9/26/99 - 9/30/99
mgst_1139 5/10/05 Index table and label 4098 - 4150 9/22/99 - 9/26/99
mgst_1138 5/10/05 Index table and label 4046 - 4097 9/18/99 - 9/22/99
mgst_1137 5/10/05 Index table and label 3994 - 4045 9/13/99 - 9/18/99
mgst_1136 5/10/05 Index table and label 3941 - 3993 9/9/99 - 9/13/99
mgst_1135 5/10/05 Index table and label 3889 - 3940 9/5/99 - 9/9/99
mgst_1134 5/10/05 Index table and label 3835 - 3888 8/31/99 - 9/5/99
mgst_1133 5/10/05 Index table and label 3783 - 3834 8/27/99 - 8/31/99
mgst_1132 5/10/05 Index table and label 3731 - 3782 8/23/99 - 8/27/99
mgst_1131 5/10/05 Index table and label 3682 - 3730 8/19/99 -8/23/99
mgst_1130 5/10/05 Index table and label 3630 -3681 8/15/99 - 8/19/99
mgst_1129 8/16/05 Index table and label 3578 - 3629 8/10/99 - 8/15/99
mgst_1128 8/16/05 Index table and label 3526 - 3577 8/6/99 - 8/10/99
mgst_1127 8/16/05 Index table and label 3471 - 3525 8/2/99 - 8/6/99
mgst_1126 8/16/05 Index table and label 3417 - 3470 7/28/99 - 8/2/99
mgst_1125 8/16/05 Index table and label 3365 - 3416 7/24/99 - 7/28/99
mgst_1124 8/16/05 Index table and label 3311 - 3364 7/20/99 - 7/24/99
mgst_1123 8/16/05 Index table and label 3258 - 3310 7/15/99 - 7/20/99
mgst_1122 8/16/05 Index table and label 3208 - 3257 7/11/99 - 7/15/99
mgst_1121 8/16/05 Index table and label 3155 - 3207 7/7/99 - 7/11/99
mgst_1120 11/8/05 Index table and label 3103 - 3154 7/3/99 - 7/7/99
mgst_1119 11/8/05 Index table and label 3053 - 3102 6/28/99 - 7/3/99
mgst_1118 11/8/05 Index table and label 3002 - 3052 6/24/99 - 6/28/99
mgst_1117 11/8/05 Index table and label 2952 - 3001 6/20/99 - 6/24/99
mgst_1116 11/8/05 Index table and label 2896 - 2951 6/16/99 - 6/20/99
mgst_1115 11/8/05 Index table and label 2845 - 2895 6/11/99 - 6/16/99
mgst_1114 11/8/05 Index table and label 2793 - 2844 6/7/99 - 6/11/99
mgst_1113 11/8/05 Index table and label 2739 - 2792 6/3/99 - 6/7/99
mgst_1112 11/8/05 Index table and label 2688 - 2738 5/30/99 - 6/3/99
mgst_1111 11/8/05 Index table and label 2640 - 2687 5/26/99 - 5/30/99
mgst_1110 11/8/05 Index table and label 2593 - 2639 5/22/99 - 5/26/99
mgst_1109 11/8/05 Index table and label 2542 - 2592 5/18/99 - 5/22/99
mgst_1108 11/8/05 Index table and label 2469 - 2541 5/12/99 - 5/18/99
mgst_1107 11/8/05 Index table and label 2418 - 2468 5/8/99 - 5/12/99
mgst_1106 11/8/05 Index table and label 2344 - 2417 5/2/99 - 5/8/99
mgst_1105 11/8/05 Index table and label 2108 - 2343 4/12/99 - 5/2/99
mgst_1104 11/8/05 Index table and label 2051 - 2107 4/8/99 - 4/12/99
mgst_1103 11/8/05 Index table and label 1895 - 2050 3/26/99 - 4/8/99
mgst_1102 11/8/05 Index table and label 1819 - 1894 3/20/99 - 3/26/99
mgst_1101 11/8/05 Index table and label 1737 - 1818 3/13/99 - 3/20/99
mgst_1100 11/8/05 Index table and label 1583 - 1736 2/28/99 - 3/13/99

TES Archive Volumes Not Online

As new TES volumes are released and put online, some of the oldest volumes are removed to make room. These volumes are available on request from All TES volumes may be obtained from the National Space Science Data Center's CD-ROM Catalog. The data products on these volumes are listed in the cumulative index tables on later volumes.

These TES volumes are no longer available online:

Volume Orbits Data Coverage   Volume Orbits Data Coverage
mgst_0044 516 - 551 SPO-2   mgst_0061 580 - 661 AB-2
mgst_0042 439 - 478 SPO-2   mgst_0043 479 - 515 SPO-2
mgst_0021 214 - 268 SPO-1   mgst_0041 383 - 438 SPO-2
mgst_0015 91 - 105 AB-1   mgst_0016 106 - 137 AB-1
mgst_0013 69 - 78 AB-1   mgst_0014 79 - 90 AB-1
mgst_0011 49 - 58 AB-1   mgst_0012 59 - 68 AB-1
mgst_0009 29 - 38 AB-1   mgst_0010 39 - 48 AB-1
mgst_0007 21 - 23 AB-1   mgst_0008 24 - 28 AB-1
mgst_0005 16 - 18 AB-1   mgst_0006 19 - 20 AB-1
mgst_0003 11 - 12 AB-1   mgst_0004 13 - 15 AB-1
mgst_0001 3 - 4 AB-1   mgst_0002 5 - 10 AB-1

TES Versions 1 and 2

Version 1 of the TES data set included data acquired from the beginning of the mission through April 1, 2001 (volume mgst_0226). Over this period of time many improvements were made in the processing of TES data, so that earlier volumes were inconsistent with later ones. In order to provide a complete set of TES data processed in the same way, TES Version 2 was prepared. TES Version 2 includes all data from Version 1 reprocessed, plus new data acquired after April 1, 2001.

TES data acquired after April 1, 2001, starting with volume mgst_1229, are processed using the Version 2 standard and released to the PDS every three months.  Previously released Version 1 volumes have been systematically converted to the Version 2 standard as well, starting with volume mgst_1228 and moving backwards, at the rate of about 10 volumes per month.  As of November 8, 2005, all TES Version 1 data have been converted to Version 2. The old Version 1 data are no longer kept online.

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