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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)

August 12, 2024. SAM EDR data for sols 4000-4133 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

August 2, 2024. MSL Release 36 includes new raw and derived data from sols 4000-4133.

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, Curiosity, landed on Mars and began operations on August 6, 2012. On June 25, 2014, the rover marked one Mars year (687 Earth days) of operations on the surface.

Science data from Curiosity's suite of instruments is released by PDS three times a year.  See the complete release schedule below.

Instruments and Archives

Follow links to instrument team web sites
PDS Archives
APXS - Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer APXS Archive
ChemCam - Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer (LIBS) and Remote Micro-Imager (RMI) ChemCam Archive
CheMin - Chemistry and Mineralogy CheMin Archive
DAN - Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons DAN Archive
Engineering Cameras - Hazard Avoidance Cameras and Navigation Cameras Engineering Camera Archives at the PDS Imaging Node
MAHLI - Mars Hand Lens Imager MAHLI, MARDI, and Mastcam Archives at the PDS Imaging Node
MARDI - Mars Descent Imager
Mastcam - Mast Camera
PLACES - Maps and rover localization data PLACES Archive at the PDS Imaging Node
RAD - Radiation Assessment Detector RAD Archive at the PDS PPI Node
REMS - Rover Environmental Monitoring Station REMS Archive at the PDS Atmospheres Node
SAM - Sample Analysis at Mars SAM Archive
SPICE - Spacecraft, Planet, Instrument, Pointing C-Matrix, and Event Kernels SPICE Archive at the NAIF Node

Derived Products from Individual Investigators

Investigator /    Program PDS Archives
Jeff Johnson Mastcam Photometry Cubes (PDS4)
Jeff Johnson /     PDART 2018 ChemCam Passive Surface Spectra  (PDS4)
Jeff Berger /
JGR 2020
Overview of MSL APXS Targets from Sol 0 to 2301 (PDS4)
Jeff Berger /
JGR 2022
Summary and Geological Context of MSL APXS Targets from Sol 0 to 3076 (PDS4)
Patrick Gasda /
JGR 2022
Database of Diagenetic Features in the Clay-Rich Unit of Gale Crater, Mars (PDS4)

Online Tools

MSL ANB  MSL Analyst's Notebook  -  This PDS Geosciences Node tool provides access to MSL data in the context of mission operations -- by sol, location, instrument, and other criteria.
  The Planetary Image Atlas - This PDS Imaging Node tool allows searches through all image data archived in PDS.

More Information

Release Schedule

Here is the release schedule for the mission.  To be notified of MSL releases and other PDS releases, sign up with the PDS Subscription Service

Release Data
Release to Public
39 4355-4488 Aug. 1, 2025 EM4
38 4258-4354 Mar. 17, 2025
37 4134-4257 Dec. 6, 2024
36 4000-4133 Aug. 2, 2024
35 3903-3999 Mar. 15, 2024
34 3779-3902 Dec. 5, 2023
33 3645-3778 Aug. 1, 2023
32 3548-3644 Mar. 16, 2023
31 3424-3547 Dec. 5, 2022
30 3290-3423 Aug. 1, 2022 EM3
29 3193-3289 Mar. 16, 2022
28 3069-3192 Dec. 6, 2021
27 2935-3068 Aug. 2, 2021
26 2838-2934 Mar. 16, 2021
25 2714-2837 Dec. 4, 2020
24 2580-2713 Jul. 31, 2020
23 2483-2579 Mar. 16, 2020
22 2359-2482 Dec. 5, 2019
21 2225-2358 Aug. 1, 2019 EM2
20 2128-2224 Mar. 15, 2019
19 2004-2127 Dec. 5, 2018
18 1870-2003 Aug. 1, 2018
17 1773-1869 Mar. 16, 2018
16 1649-1772 Dec. 5, 2017
15 1515-1648 Aug. 1, 2017
14 1418-1514 Mar. 16, 2017
13 1294-1417 Dec. 5, 2016
12 1160-1293 Aug. 1, 2016 EM1
11 1063-1159 Mar. 16, 2016
10 939-1062 Dec. 4, 2015
9 805-938 Jul. 31, 2015
8 708-804 Mar. 16, 2015
7 584-707 Dec. 5, 2014
6 450-583 Aug. 1, 2014 Prime Mission
5 360-449 Mar. 17, 2014
4 270-359 Dec. 13, 2013
3 180-269 Aug. 30, 2013
2 90-179 June 10, 2013
1-RDR 0-89 Mar. 20, 2013
1-EDR 0-89 Feb. 27, 2013


What's New

August 12, 2024. SAM EDR data for sols 4000-4133 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

August 2, 2024. MSL Release 36 includes new raw and derived data from sols 4000-4133.

April 25, 2024. All previously-released MSL CheMin derived data products have been migrated to the PDS4 standard.

April 1, 2024. New data have been added to the ChemCam Passive Surface Spectra bundle.

March 19, 2024. SAM EDR data for sols 3903-3999 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

March 15, 2024. MSL Release 35 includes new raw and derived data from sols 3903-3999.

December 8, 2023. SAM EDR data for sols 3779-3902 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

December 5, 2023. MSL Release 34 includes new raw and derived data from sols 3779-3902.

August 2, 2023. SAM EDR data for sols 3645-3778 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

August 1, 2023. MSL Release 33 includes new raw and derived data from sols 3645-3778.

March 21, 2023. SAM EDR data for sols 3548-3644 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

March 16, 2023. MSL Release 32 includes new raw and derived data from sols 3548-3644.

February 7, 2023. New data have been added to the ChemCam Passive Surface Spectra bundle.

December 9, 2022. SAM EDR data for sols 3424-3547 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

December 5, 2022. MSL Release 31 includes new raw and derived data from sols 3424-3547.

August 24, 2022. The MSL Mastcam Photometry bundle from Jeff Johnson is released.

August 3, 2022. SAM EDR data for sols 3290-3423 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

August 1, 2022. MSL Release 30 includes new raw and derived data from sols 3290-3423.

June 20, 2022. Corrupted data products found in the ChemCam Passive Surface Spectra bundle have been redelivered.

March 22, 2022. SAM EDR data for sols 3193-3289 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

March 16, 2022. MSL Release 29 includes new raw and derived data from sols 3193-3289.

February 10, 2022. New data have been added to the ChemCam Passive Surface Spectra bundle.

December 8, 2021. SAM EDR data for sols 3069-3192 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

December 6, 2021. MSL Release 28 includes new raw and derived data from sols 3069-3192.

August 19, 2021. Missing QMS products have been added to the SAM RDR data set.

August 3, 2021. SAM EDR data for sols 2935-3068 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

August 2, 2021. MSL Release 27 includes new raw and derived data from sols 2935-3068.

March 18, 2021. SAM EDR data for sols 2838-2934 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

March 16, 2021. MSL Release 26 includes new raw and derived data from sols 2838-2934.

March 2, 2021. The MSL ChemCam Passive Surface Spectra bundle from Jeff Johnson is released.

December 7, 2020. SAM EDR data for sols 2714-2837 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

December 4, 2020. MSL Release 25 includes new raw and derived data from sols 2714-2837.

August 3, 2020. SAM EDR data for sols 2580-2713 have been added to the SAM EDR safed data set.

July 31, 2020. MSL Release 24 includes new raw and derived data from sols 2580-2713.

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